Meeting notes 2nd October 2000


Present: Ian, Liz Clarke, Liz Jones, Chrissy, Denise, Liv, Joanne & Ade


Current situation

·         There are currently sets of junior posts at a number of schools in the region. These schools are Duxford, Netherhall, Milton Road and Haddenham.

·         Liz Clarke and Liz Jones currently coach juniors.

·         Newnham is registered with City as this allows the National League teams to earn “development” points. These are earned by entering tournaments, BKA Cup and local games.

·         The problem seems to be that there is a gap between junior schools where students play Korfball and University/Leaving School. Therefore the focus of development needs to be on schools of children aged 11 to 16 years of age.

·         Schools don’t have a budget big enough to cater for new sports equipment for new sports.

Moving Development forward

·         It was therefore felt we need to have two teams for junior development. Under Eleven’s and Over Eleven’s. These teams should be fed as Cambridge clubs rather than being part of individual clubs in Cambridge.

·         Impington Village College and Netherhall School would be ideal locations for this type of development due to the close school/college links.

·         Volunteers to coach are an important part of making anything work. Saturday mornings were felt best as a time to have junior coaching.

·         Coaches would need to be Police checked etc.

·         Much as some people may not wish to actually coach there will be an important role in being there to assist the coaches and help out in exercises. This may suit those who want to help in some way.

·         Coaching must be timetabled and there are four clubs that can offer coaches. Homerton was also suggested as a potential provider of coaches/assistants to represent the University.

·         Denise Goodacre to find out about next CDSSSA meeting (probably January) at which Korfball could be discussed.

Business Plan

·         A business plan needs to be thought about in relation to setting up this two age group coaching plan.

·         Hall fees should be paid by the CKA. Any monies received from participating children will then be passed to the CKA. Any loss then will simply be covered by the CKA.

·         Cost of posts to be confirmed.

·         Where does BKA money go? Is there funding available for junior development. Liz Clarke to speak to Debbie Etheridge

Other Development issues

·         Cambridge Summer Tournament – Better arrangement for junior competition in that last year the juniors were right over the other side of the sports ground and perhaps not fully supported as a result.

Next Meeting

·         Next meeting to be held at The Boot, Histon on 13th November at 7pm.



Ade 18th October 2000